Space Tardigrade Tote Bag


Space Tardigrade! 

In 2007, a group of Swedish and German scientists sent tardigrades into space to
see if they could survive. The "Tardigrades in Space" program, aka TARDIS, 
demonstrated that tardigrades have no problem with cosmic radiation, 
extreme cold, and dehydration. Tardigrades are the ultimate survivors.   
They can withstand temperatures from just above absolute zero
(-459 ºF/-237 ºC) to way above the boiling point of water (212 ºF/100 ºC). 
They can deal with pressures about 6 times greater than what is found in
the deepest ocean trenches.  They can also dehydrate themselves to 3% of
its normal water content and then rehydrate!  Their trick?  Cryptobiosis -- 
a process where their metabolic processes almost stop but they can
zombies, but less dead when they revive.   All Hail the Tardigrade!

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